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Readings and Resources

Depression is widespread even among God's people. God has led Dr Tabitha to write what He has shown her about depression. Please email her at if you would like a copy of her writing on depression.

Practical activities to counteract depression:

1) Pray for someone else in need

2) Praise God no matter how you feel

3) Read His Word

4) Do something creative with your hands--this doesnt include texting or working on the computer. A psychiatrist and hand surgeon couple have found that working with one's hands helps alleviate depression

5) Get outside every day for at least 15-20 minutes. Enjoying God's nature is therapeutic to the emotions and good for the body (getting your vitamin D)

6) Write a letter to someone who needs encouraged or loved.  Try to do it longhand, since that is using your hands for a creative purpose

7) Do the thing you don't want to do or don't feel like doing--don't put it off

8) Don't spend too much time alone. Make an effort to invite people over or to accept invitations to fellowship with fellow Christians

9) Don't skip going to church. We need the fellowship of other believers.

10) Get rid of any activity or recreation in life that is not from God.

11) Eat healthy, drink lots of water, try to keep regular sleep patterns.

12) Walk --either with another person or, if alone, spend that time talking to and praising God








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